LoRa® Asset Monitoring Sensor.
MicroEdge is a LoRa® technology-based IoT sensor. It seamlessly captures data from your equipment and other assets, enabling you to make smart, data-driven decisions.

MicroEdge is a LoRa® technology-based IoT sensor. It seamlessly captures data from your equipment and other assets, enabling you to make smart, data-driven decisions.
Use it for CT or sensor monitoring
Monitor the pulse count for a water or electrical meter
A small device with powerful capabilities
Built based on LoRa® wireless protocol
Instal this battery-powered sensor anywhere
Easily scale up or down
Suitable for outdoors or hard-to-access meters
Why lora®
LoRa® is a low-power, long-range wireless technology designed for the Internet of Things. It is less affected by buildings and other obstructions than regular WiFi, with one gateway generally being able to provide coverage for a 70x70m 3-story building.
LoRa® is expected to hold 75% of the IoT device market share soon. The LoRa® community is expanding rapidly, with many new contributions and developments occurring every day.
MicorEdge® capabilities
The MicroEdge supports 3x UI
(universal inputs) and 1x pulse input
(normally used for a gas or water meter reading)
Pulse Specifications (1x off)
UI Specifications (3x off)