Nube iO is excited to announce their participation in Honeywell and YBF’s innovation and coworking hub during 2020.
The launch event for this program was held in the new coworking space provided by YBF at 155 Clarence Street on Wednesday evening. The event introduced Honeywell’s plan for the hub and innovation for 2020, as well as introduced Nube iO’s solution to over 100 attendees.
The Program exists to support technology and digital innovation that drives solutions for the property tech industry, and to identify potential opportunities for collaboration between Honeywell and program participants. As part of the program, Nube iO will explore proof-of-concepts pilots, work with the other participants and benefit from Honeywell’s global competences in the building automation space.
Nube iO was one of just four proptech startups selected to participate in the program out of a competitive group of applications.

This innovation hub is an excellent opportunity for Nube iO to continue their relationship with Honeywell, which began earlier this year after a successful display at the APAC Honeywell Users Group (HUG) and a new pilot project currently being deployed at the Australian National Maritime Museum.
HUG is Honeywell’s annual customer event which gives attendees an opportunity to network, share best practices, learn about new technologies, project implementations and industry trends. Earlier this year, Nube iO’s hardware was displayed as part of the ‘open integration’ stand, to demonstrate Honeywell’s ability to integrate with 3rd party IoT technologies.
Nube iO and Honeywell are piloting the deployment of an IoT space optimisation solution for the Australian National Maritime Museum, utilising Nube iO’s wireless environmental sensors. The initial piloting phase will be completed by next year’s first quarter. Once this stage is completed, negotiations will commence to expand the scope of this project to include other applications such as HVAC optimisation and smart metering across the three museum’s buildings.

Pictured left to right: Tom Bain, Sabrina Venish, Daniel McKinnel, Wayne Kent, Kendall Paix, Aidan Pickard, Martin Griffin, Matthew Cady.